12:00-14:00 |
Registration and posters set-up |
14:00-14:15 |
Welcome and Opening of the Congress Pier Paolo Di Fiore (Milan, Italy) |
14:15-14:30 |
Awarding of the Luca Daveggio prize |
14:30-16:00 |
Session 1: Lysosomes as a Signalling Platform in Health and Disease Chair: Carmine Settembre (Naples, Italy) Marja Jäättelä (Copenhagen, Denmark) Control of lysosomal stability and autophagosome maturation by sphingomyelin metabolism: opportunities for therapeutic intervention |
Andrea Ballabio (Naples, Italy) The lysosome as a signaling hub |
Mario Pende (Paris, France) mTOR pathophysiology in rare human diseases of growth and senescence |
16:00-17:00 |
AIRC Lecture - Plenary Chair: Ivan De Curtis (Milan, Italy) Stephen Harrison (Boston, MA, USA) How viruses enter cells |
17:00-17:30 |
Coffee break |
17:30-18:30 |
IFOM Lecture - Plenary Chair: Salvatore Pece (Milan, Italy) Elaine Fuchs (New York, NY, USA) Epithelial stem cells in silence, action and cancer |
18:30-20:30 |
Poster session A and buffet dinner |
9:00-10:30 |
Session 2: Host-Pathogen Interactions Chair: Ruggero Pardi (Milan, Italy) Maria Rescigno (Milan, Italy) The immune system in the control of microbiota homeostasis |
Marina de Bernard (Padua, Italy) Treponema pallidum (syphilis) antigen TpF1 induces angiogenesis through the activation of the IL-8 pathway |
Chiara Zurzolo (Paris, France) Role of Tunneling Nanotubes (TNTs) in intercellular spreading of prions and other protein assemblies involved in neurodegenerative diseases |
10:30-11:30 |
Plenary Lecture Chair: Valeria Matranga (Palermo, Italy) Stefano Bertuzzi (Bethesda, MD, USA) The curious incident of the translational dog that didn’t bark. Where is cell biology going? And where a PhD in science take you? |
11:30-12:00 |
Coffee break |
12:00-13:45 |
Session 3: Emerging Technologies Chair: Giulia Piaggio (Rome, Italy) Valerie Weaver (San Francisco, CA, USA) Forcing tumor progression and metastasis |
Roberto Weigert (Bethesda, MD, USA) Mechanisms of membrane remodeling in live animals by intravital microscopy |
Angelo Lombardo (Milan, Italy) Permanent epigenetic silencing of human genes with artificial transcriptional repressors |
New technologies for measuring live and dead cells in real time using a plate reader |
13:45-14:30 |
Lunch break |
14:30-15:30 |
Plenary Lecture Chair: Antonella De Matteis (Naples, Italy) Elisabetta Dejana (Milan, Italy) The signaling pathways implicated in the blood brain barrier differentiation and pathological alteration |
15:30-16:30 |
Plenary Lecture Chair: Silvia Soddu (Rome, Italy) Michele Pagano (New York, NY, USA) SCF ubiquitin ligase complexes: Molecular Machines of Protein Destruction |
16:30-17:00 |
Coffee break |
17:00-18:30 |
Session 4: Adipocytes and Energy Metabolism Chair: Paolo Pinton (Ferrara, Italy) Barbara Cannon (Stockholm, Sweden) The metabolic capacities of brown adipose tissue |
Luca Scorrano (Padua, Italy) Keeping mitochondria in shape: a matter of life and death |
Saverio Cinti (Ancona, Italy) Physiologic and reversible reprogramming in the Adipose Organ |
18:30-20:30 |
Poster session B and buffet dinner |
9:00-10:30 |
Session 5: Reprogramming and Cell Identity Chair: Antonio Musarò (Rome, Italy) Eran Meshorer (Jerusalem, Israel) Endogenously tagged fluorescent libraries reveal novel regulators of embryonic stem cells |
Valentina Fossati (New York, NY, USA) Reprogramming cellular identity for studying neurodegeneration in multiple sclerosis |
Giuseppe Testa (Milan, Italy) Epigenetic reprogramming in cancer and neurodevelopmental disorders: from mechanism to tool. And back |
10:30-11:00 |
Coffee break |
11:00-12:00 |
Guido Tarone Keynote Lecture Chair: Paola Defilippi (Turin, Italy) Randy Schekman (Berkeley, CA, USA) Origin and function of the autophagic membrane |
12:10-14:30 |
Lunch break |
14:30-18:00 |
Special Interest Groups • Parallel Sessions 1. Mechanisms of signal transduction |
Mechanisms of signal transduction
Chairs: Rosario Rizzuto (Padua, Italy), Letizia Lanzetti (Candiolo, Italy)
14:30-15:00 | Elena Rainero (Glasgow, UK) Extracellular matrix internalisation links nutrient signalling to invasive migration |
15:00-15:25 | Maicol Mancini (Rehovot, Israel) Combining three antibodies nullifies feedback-mediated resistance to erlotinib in non-small cell lung cancer |
15:25-15:50 | Marianna Sciortino (Turin, Italy) The characterization of p130Cas/ErbB2/Blimp1 axis in invasive mammary carcinoma |
15:50-16:15 | Raffaella Molteni (Milan, Italy) Novel and unconventional signaling role of beta-arrestin 2 in chemokine-induced MAPK activation during neutrophil migration |
16:15-16:35 | Coffee break |
16:35-17:00 | Luca Mazzarella (Milan, Italy) Nutrient sensing and insulin signaling modulation by mutated FLT3 in obesity-associated leukemias |
17:00-17:25 | Raffaele Strippoli (Rome, Italy) Interplay between biochemical and biomechanical signals in EMT induction by cell stretch in peritoneum |
17:25-17:50 | Eros Di Giorgio (Udine, Italy) MEF2s: true oncogenes or “re-thought” tumor suppressors? |
17:50-18:15 | Rosa Della Monica (Naples, Italy) Fcp1 control of PP2A B55 at mitosis exit |
Membrane trafficking and organelle biogenesis
Chairs: Sara Colombo (Milan, Italy), Eelco Van Anken (Milan, Italy)
14:30-15:00 | Benoît Kornmann (Zurich, Switzerland) Cell geography: organelles in their natural habitat |
15:00-15:25 | Bruna Costa (Milan, Italy) Mechanism of precise intracellular targeting of spontaneously inserting tail-anchored proteins |
15:25-15:50 | Milena Vitale (Milan, Italy) Tampering with acute to chronic endoplasmic reticulum stress responses unmasks opposing roles of the stress sensor IRE1 |
15:50-16:15 | Anna Rubartelli (Genoa, Italy) A subset of secretory lysosomes with markers of chaperone-mediated autophagy and classical autophagy mediates IL-1β secretion |
16:15-16:45 | Coffee break |
16:45-17:10 | Alison Forrester (Naples, Italy) Autophagy regulates extracellular matrix formation in developing bones |
17:10-17:35 | Giusi Caldieri (Milan, Italy) A novel EGFR endocytic pathway requires a tight ER-PM crosstalk |
17:35-18:00 | Francesca Zappa (Naples, Italy) Stress granules control the secretory pathway by transiently sequestering Sar1 |
Stem cells, development and regenerative medicine
Chairs: Caterina Missero (Naples, Italy), Luciano Conti (Trento, Italy)
14:30-15:00 |
Tilo Kunath (Edinburgh, UK) Pluripotent stem cell derived neurons as a model and therapy for Parkinson’s |
15:00-15:25 | Ferdinando Di Cunto (Turin, Italy) Functional interaction of the microcephaly genes CITK and ASPM in control of mitotic spindle orientation |
15:25-15:50 | Gabriele D'Uva (Rehovot, Israel) The key roles of ERBB2 in cardiomyocyte proliferation and heart regeneration |
15:50-16:15 | Elena Campaner (Trieste, Italy) Identification and characterization of new Pin1 inhibitors |
16:15-16:45 | Coffee break |
16:45-17:10 | Alessandro Giammona (Palermo, Italy) Identification and expansion of adipose stem cells with enhanced bone regeneration properties |
17:10-17:35 | Marco Crescenzi (Rome, Italy) Functional and structural obstacles hinder DNA replication in terminally differentiated cells |
17:35-18:00 | Elisa Duregotti (Padua, Italy) Toxin-induced degeneration of dysfunctional nerve terminals: can the bad turn into the good? |
Cell stress: survival and apoptosis
Chairs: Sergio Giannattasio (Bari, Italy), Alessandra Montecucco (Pavia, Italy)
14:30-15:00 |
Mariella Vicinanza (Cambridge, UK) PI(5)P regulates autophagosome biogenesis |
15:00-15:25 | Lisa Michelle Restelli (Basel, Switzerland) Stressed to death: metabolic impact of ablation of mitochondrial fission in the adult mouse forebrain |
15:25-15:50 | Giulia Di Marco (Padua, Italy) Role of mitoKATP in skeletal muscle |
15:50-16:15 | Anna Maria Cariboni (Milan, Italy/London, UK) Dysfunctional SEMA3E signaling underlies gonadotropin-releasing hormone neuron cell death and Kallmann syndrome |
16:15-16:35 | Coffee break |
16:35-17:00 | Irina Guzhova (St. Petersburg, Russia) Modulation or tumorigenecity by molecular chaperones |
17:00-17:25 | Nicoletta Guaragnella (Bari, Italy) How nutrient sensing pathways interact in cell life and death decisions in response to environmental stress: lessons from yeast |
17:25-17:50 | Flavia Michelini (Milan, Italy) Sequence-specific RNA:RNA interactions modulate the DNA damage response at individual genomic sites |
17:50-18:15 | Giovanna Lattanzi (Bologna, Italy) Lamin A/C-HDAC2 interplay during oxidative stress response |
18:30-19:30 |
ABCD Assembly |
20:30 |
Social dinner (Palazzo Isolani, Bologna) |
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You are expected to have your poster up the latest by lunchtime of the day of your session. Posters should be taken down shortly after your session. Posters left behind will be removed and discarded by the venue personnel.
P.002 Silvia Agarbati (Ancona) Differential expression of circulating inflamma-miRs in Alzheimer patients |
P.003 Arta Ajazi (Milan) Atg6/Beclin1 in response to replication stress |
P.004 Annalisa Alfieri (Turin) Uncover p140Cap role in synaptic plasticity through the analysis of its interactome |
P.005 Romina Alfonsi (Rome) Identification and development of novel Smoothened antagonists for the treatment of Hh-dependent tumors |
P.006 Victor Alfred (Milan) Genetic analyses of interactors of endosomal sorting and tissue growth in Drosophila |
P.007 Simona Allocca (Naples) Developing peptides pharmacologically active for the most frequent Wilson disease-causing ATP7B mutant |
P.008 Giuseppina Amodio (Fisciano) Overexpression of hsa-miR-663a reduces expression of PLOD3 encoded LH3 protein and secretion of Collagen IV |
P.009 Tiziana Anelli (Milan) IgM assembly and aggregation in the secretory pathway: the role of ERp44 |
P.010 Domenico Azarnia Tehran (Padua) A novel inhibitor prevents the peripheral neuroparalysis of botulinum neurotoxins |
P.011 Sara Badodi (Modena) Alternative splicing of MEF2C: a fine-tuning to regulate proliferation in rhabdomyosarcoma |
P.012 Paola Bagnato (Genoa) ErbB2 membrane redistribution induced by Trastuzumab treatment in SK-BR-3 cells |
P.013 Elisa Barbieri (Milan) Molecular characterization of non-clathrin endocytosis of the EGFR and analysis of its relevance to cancer |
P.015 Davide Basello (Pavia) DNA damage and cellular stress in a human cybrid model of Parkinson disease: focus on poly(ADP-ribosylation) |
P.016 Giulia Bastianello (Milan) Mimicking AID activity at the Ig locus: a double strand break can induce immunoglobulin gene conversion |
P.017 Cecilia Battistelli (Rome) A lncRNA-mediated interaction between Snail and Ezh2 governs epigenetic modifications causal to EMT of the hepatocyte |
P.018 Diana Bellavia (Rome) MAML1 as a novel coactivator for Gli1-mediated transcription |
P.019 Arianna Bellazzo (Trieste) Mutant p53 Reprograms TNF Signaling in Cancer Cells through Interaction with the Tumor Suppressor DAB2IP |
P.020 Antonina Benfante (Palermo) BMP7v induces cancer stem cells differentiation and enhances chemotherapy response in colorectal cancer |
P.021 Elisa Bergami (Siena) Gene modulation and protein expression in response to polystyrene nanoparticles at early developmental stages of the sea urchin Paracentrotus lividus |
P.022 Michela Bernardini (Turin) Prostate cancer angiogenesis: differential sensitivity to current anti-angiogenic drugs and transient receptor potential (TRP) channels as novel therapeutic targets |
P.023 Giulia Berti (Padua) How a metabolite of dopamine can modify α-synuclein and contribute to the propagation of Parkinson disease |
P.024 Ganesh Bhat (Milan) Sox17 as a mediator of Wnt/β-catenin mediated blood brain barrier development and maintenance |
P.025 Serena Bianco (Turin) Role of purinergic signaling on the cross talk between vascular endothelial and cancer cells |
P.026 Rosa Bonaventura (Palermo) p38 MAPK activation and stress genes over-expression in sea urchin embryos co-exposed to cadmium and UVB radiation |
P.027 Silvia Brunelli (Monza) Endothelial to mesenchymal transition and the immune system in muscle fibrosis |
P.028 Vincenzo Calautti (Turin) Nuclear Akt2 opposes limbal keratinocyte stem cell self-renewal by repressing a FOXO-mTORC1 signaling pathway |
P.029 Alessia Calcagnì (Pozzuoli, NA) Kidney-specific TFEB overexpression causes renal cell carcinoma in mice and recapitulates the phenotype of human TFEB chromosomal translocations |
P.030 Chiara Camillo (Candiolo) A GPCR-Plexin complex controls class 3 semaphorin-to-Rap1 signaling and vascular morphogenesis |
P.031 Carlo Campa (Turin) PI3K-C2α regulates Polycystin-2 ciliary entry and protects from kidney cyst formation |
P.032 Antonio Campo (Padua) Role of the mitochondrial Ca2+ uniporter (MCU) in cardiomyocyte adaptation to hypertrophic stimuli |
P.033 Annalisa Camporeale (Turin) Preventive and therapeutic effect of STAT3 or complement C3 down-regulation in two different models of autoimmune myocarditis |
P.034 Marisa Cappella (Rome) The muscle specific positive regulator of myogenesis Rbm24 is a target of microRNA-222 in muscle cells |
P.035 Marina Cardano (Trento) Epsin in stemness maintenance |
P.036 Davide Carra (Milan) The role of irsp53 and eps8 in lumenogenesis and establishment of polarity |
P.037 Hugo Carvalho (Milan) Mechanism of translocation of spontaneously inserting tail-anchored proteins |
P.038 Elena Catanzaro (Rimini) Atmospheric non-equilibrium plasma promotes cell death and cell-cycle arrest in a lymphoma cell line |
P.039 Laura Cedrone (Milan) Dissecting the oncogenic role of EZH2 gain of function mutations in diffuse large B-cell lymphoma |
P.040 Saula Checquolo (Latina) Prolyl-isomerase Pin1 controls Notch3 protein expression and regulates T-ALL progression |
P.041 Lidia Chellini (Rome) Impact of Pim kinases and c-Myc on the translational machinery and analysis of their cooperation in prostate cancer cells |
P.042 Sara Chiaretti (Milan) Role of liprin-α1, ERC1a and LL5 proteins in tumor cell invasion |
P.043 Mario Chiariello (Siena) MAPK15 upregulation promotes cell proliferation and increases tumorigenicity in male germ cell tumors |
P.044 Laura Cinque (Pozzuoli, NA) FGF signaling regulates bone growth through autophagy |
P.045 Luisa Cirillo (Naples) Mutant p63 in AEC syndrome leads to an autoimmune proliferative disorder through alteration of the Notch/TSLP axis |
P.046 Claudia Cirotti (Rome) Role of S-nitrosoglutathione reductase (GSNOR) as new molecular player in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis |
P.047 Bruna Codispoti (Catanzaro) Transient stimulation with the fusion protein TAT-BMI-1 enhances the proliferation, and in vivo repopulating ability of human cord blood-derived CD34+ cells |
P.048 Veronica D'Uva (Milan) Structure/function analysis of the Numb/Hdm2/p53 interaction in the perspective of a targeted therapy for Numb-defective human cancers |
P.049 Antonino Colanzi (Naples) A Golgi-activated Src regulates Aurora-A recruitment to the centrosome and G2/M transition |
P.050 Federico Colombo (Milan) Cytokines-mediated release of shedding microvesicles does not depend on the ATP-P2X7 signalling pathway |
P.051 Sara Colombo (Milan) TRC40-dependent tail-anchored protein insertion into proteoliposomes reconstituted from rat liver microsomes |
P.052 Mafalda Concilli (Naples
) Proteomics reveals new target for correction of Wilson disease-causing ATP7B mutant |
P.053 Claudia Contadini (Rome) p53 centrosomal localization and function: different p53 behavior in human and mouse cells |
P.054 Alexia Conte (Milan) EGF receptor, signaling and cancer: using mathematical modeling to understand complex biological pathways |
P.055 Luciano Conti (Trento) REST-regulated molecular circuitries in the control of self-renewal and tumorigenic competence of human glioblastoma stem cells |
P.056 Silvia Conti (Rome) A novel role of c-FLIP protein in regulation of ER stress response |
P.057 Annalisa Contursi (Bari) Identification of microRNA cluster along the crypt-villus axis of the intestinal mucosa: relevance to colon tumorigenesis |
P.058 Katia Corano Scheri (Rome) RSPO1 and DKK1 exert antagonistic effect on testicular embryonic angiogenesis |
P.059 Katia Cortese (Genoa) HSP90 inhibition induces ErbB2 cleavage and internalization simultaneoulsy with alterations in endosomal trafficking/maturation and autophagy |
P.060 Caterina Costa (Palermo) Amplification efficiency of RNA sequences related to stress and immune response as an innovative approach in the quality evaluation of the crustacean Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus 1758) |
P.061 Arianna Crespi (Milan) Impact of human alpha5 D398N single nucleotide polymorphism on ERK1/2 activation mediated by α3β4α5 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors |
P.062 Alessia Curina (Milan) Characterization of the role of a subset of ETS proteins at core promoters |
P.063 Valentina Cutano (Udine) CRISPR/Cas9 technology to explore the role of HDAC7 in the control epithelial morphogenesis |
P.064 Alessia D'Aloia (Milan) Role of RalGPS2, a new possible oncogene, in tunneling nanotubes formation |
P.065 Alberto Danieli (Milan) A novel approach for correlative light and electron microscopy: the dark side of the μ |
P.067 Luisa de Latouliere (Rome) Mito-Luc Zebrafish model to visualise proliferation events in whole animals |
P.068 Angela De Luca (Palermo) Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultrasound effets on mesenchymale stem cells alone and incombination with ceramic biomaterial |
P.069 Giovanni de Nola (Pavia) Miniaturizing HGF/SF: a novel Met agonist with important applications in regenerative medicine |
P.070 Maria Chiara De Santis (Turin) PI3KC2α, a new spindle associated protein involved in genomic instability and tumorigenesis |
P.071 Gabriella De Vita (Naples) In vivo characterization of a long non-coding RNA regulated in development and cancer |
P.072 Monica Dentice (Naples) A mutual mr21-thyroid hormone interplay regulates skin tumorigenesis and BCC formation |
P.073 Claire Desnos (Paris, France) Dysregulation of neuronal protein synthesis and mTOR by the amyloid peptide |
P.074 Giorgia Di Caprio (Rome) Hepatitis C virus-host lipoproteins interplay: implication in liver pathogenesis |
P.075 Simone Di Franco (Palermo) Breast cancer metastasis via DNp63 expression in cancer stem cells |
P.076 Daniela Di Girolamo (Naples) A mutual mr21-thyroid hormone interplay regulates skin tumorigenesis and BCC formation |
P.078 Sara Di Persio (Rome) Characterization and kinetic of the human spermatogonial compartment |
P.079 Martina Di Rienzo (Rome) Role of autophagy dysregulation in the limb-girdle muscular dystrophy 2H |
P.080 Chiara Di Stefano (Rome) Mechanisms involved in apoptosis resistance to poly (I:C) treatment in an androgen-insensitive prostate cancer cell line: possible role for CD44 |
P.081 Maira Di Tano (Milan) Fasting induces anti-Warburg effect and potentiates chemotherapy in colon cancer |
P.082 Giulia Diluvio (Rome) Notch3 - EGFR crosstalk in triple negative breast cancers (TNBC): new therapeutic possibilities |
P.083 Nadia Ducano (Candiolo) RN-tre in breast tumorigenesis |
P.085 Valentina Esposito (Rome) Cross-talk between testicular steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis |
P.086 Roberta Faedda (Rome) Itch-dependent K63-polyubiquitylation of SuFu controls Hedgehog pathway |
P.087 Valentina Fajner (Milan) Characterization of physiological and pathological functions of HECW1 |
P.088 Carmen Falcone (Trieste) Title to be communicated |
P.089 Elvira Famulari (Turin) Cell therapy for Crigler-Najjar type I syndrome using human adult liver stem cells |
P.091 Dominga Fasano (Naples) Fig4 regulates the homeostasis of endosomal compartments |
P.092 Simona Feno (Padua) Physiological role of the MCU dominant-negative subunit MCUb |
P.093 Giulia Ferrari (London, United Kingdom) Towards a genomic integration-free, iPS cell and human artificial chromosome-based therapy for Duchenne muscular dystrophy |
P.095 Giulia Fianco (Rome) Characterization of a novel tumorigenic role of Caspase 8 in Glioblastoma |
P.096 Angela Filograna (Naples) Investigating lipid droplets biogenesis: the role of CtBP1/BARS |
P.097 Cristina Fimiani (Trieste) RNA-therapeutics of gene haploinsufficiencies |
P.098 Francesca Finetti (Siena) The small GTPase Rab8 interacts with VAMP-3 to regulate the delivery of recycling TCRs to the immune synapse |
P.099 Alessandro Fiorenzano (Naples) Cripto is essential to capture EpiSCs and hESCs pluripotency |
P.101 Monica Forni (Ozzano Emilia, BO) Heme oxygenase-1 induction in gherkin treated porcine aortic endothelial cells |
P.102 Giulio Fulgoni (Madrid, Spain) Interplay between rab8 and caveolin-1 in membrane trafficking and mechanosensing |
P.103 Carmela Fusco (San Giovanni Rotondo) TRIM50 links aggresome formation and autophagy activation by mediating K63-linked polyubiquitination of Beclin 1 |
P.104 Miriam Gaggianesi (Palermo) IL-4 contributes to maintenance of stemness in breast cancer stem cells by inhibiting DUSP4 dependent differentiation |
P.105 Margherita Galletti (Bologna) Human progenitor perivascular cells,a new source of cells for pulmonary arterial hypertension investigation |
P.106 Corrado Garbi (Naples) Dual effect of Rac1 inhibition on E-cadherin membrane recycling and Golgi trafficking |
P.107 Alessandra Geffner-Smith (Padua) Novel human monoclonal antibody affinity and efficaciousness against tetanus neurotoxin intoxication |
P.108 Paola Genevini (Milan) New cellular models to investigate the role of VAPB in the pathogenesis of ALS |
P.109 Arezou Ghahghaei (Zahedan, Iran) The inhibitory effect of B-casein on the cell toxicity associated with aggregation and deposition of AB1-40 fibrils in Alzheimer’s disease |
P.110 Alessandra Ghigo (Turin) Inhibition of phosphoinositide 3-kinase γ protects against chemotherapy-induced cardiomyopathy by promoting cardiac autophagy |
P.111 Marta Giacomello (Padua) High content microscopy to identify mitochondria-ER tethers |
P.112 Paola Giglio (Rome) Exploiting immunogenic cell death for melanoma benefit |
P.113 Angelica Giuliani (Ancona) MitomiRs in human inflamm-aging: a hypothesis involving miR-181a, miR-34a and miR-146a |
P.115 Flora Guerra (Lecce) Link of mitochondrial dysfunction and mechanism of paclitaxel resistance in ovarian cancer cells |
P.116 Aymone Gurtner (Rome) Mutant p53 inhibits miRNA biogenesis by interfering with the Microprocessor complex |
P.117 Paola Infante (Rome) Gli1/DNA interaction is a druggable target for Hedgehog-dependent tumors |
P.118 Federica Innocenti (Rome) Effect of adrenocortical carcinoma treatment on fertility |
P.119 Mattia Lauriola (Bologna) Pro-inflammatory cytokines production and loss of EGFR negative feedback loops converge to regulate anchorage-independent spheroids growth and drug resistance |
P.120 Elisa Lidron (Padua) Mitochondrial calcium signalling during zebrafish development |
P.121 Kamil Lisek (Trieste) Mutant p53-driven transcriptional regulation of proteasome and its consequences in triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) |
P.122 Pietro Lo Riso (Milan) Induced pluripotent stem cells: a novel tool to dissect ovarian cancer pathogenesis |
P.123 Rossella Lucà (Rome) MDM4 function and its prognostic potential in ovarian cancer progression |
P.124 Alessandro Luciani (Zurich, Switzerland) Disruption of lysosomal dynamics and function entails monoclonal Light-Chain renal Fanconi syndrome |
P.125 Anna Maria Lustri (Rome) Targeting TGF-β signaling as a strategy to block proliferation and induce apoptosis of human cholangiocarcinoma (CCA) cells: a study on human primary cultures |
P.126 Barbara Mandriani (San Giovanni Rotondo) Identification of new p53 target-genes in Danio rerio by bioinformatics and biochemical tools |
P.127 Isabella Manni (Rome) Imaging of proliferation during mammary tumorigenesis to identify early steps of tumorigenesis |
P.128 Marina Mapelli (Milan) Structural and functional basis for the novel function of LGN in promoting asymmetric cell divisions |
P.129 Cristina Maranto (Palermo) Stimuli, signaling pathways and molecular interactors involved in the cell surface localization of alpha-enolase in non-tumorigenic and breast cancer cells |
P.130 Saverio Marchi (Ferrara) Defective autophagy is a key feature of cerebral cavernous malformations |
P.131 Azzurra Margiotta (Lecce) Regulation of cell migration: focus on Rab7a |
P.132 Boris Margulis (St. Petersburg, Russian Federation) New drug target to reduce deleterious effect of oxidative stress: glyceraldehyde-3- phosphate dehydrogenase |
P.133 Claudia Marsella (Rome) HIV-1 vpu exploits the proautophagy protein ambra1 to counteract the antiviral response mediated by bst2 |
P.134 Miriam Martini (Turin) Inactivation of PI3K-C2γ, a class II PI3K, promotes KRAS-driven pancreatic tumor |
P.135 Simona Martinotti (Alessandria) Unraveling secrets of the secretome: approaches to identifying secreted malignant mesothelioma cancer proteins |
P.136 Maria Chiara Masone (Pozzuoli, NA) FAPP1 is a PI(4)P sensor acting at ER-Golgi membrane contact sites |
P.137 Francesca Massenzio (Bologna) Functional differences between glial cells overexpressig wild-type or mutant superoxide dismutase 1 (SOD1) |
P.138 Mara Massimi (L'Aquila) Inhibition of phosphodiesterase-4 isoform inhibits cell proliferation and survival in hepatocarcinoma cells |
P.139 Vittoria Matafora (Milan) Exploring mitosis dynamics by combining shotgun and targeted proteomics |
P.140 Valeria Matranga (Palermo) Gadolinium-induced stress response causes a time-dependent miss-expression of regulative and structural genes involved in the development of the sea urchin P. lividus |
P.141 Iria Medrano-Fernandez (Milan) Control of H2O2 transport influences cell survival to cell stress |
P.142 Roberta Melchionna (Rome) hMENA11a and hMENAΔv6 alternatively spliced isoforms differentially regulate TGF-β1-dependent EMT in pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma |
P.143 Luigina Micolucci (Ancona) Crosstalk between NF-kB and miRNAs in aging and age-related diseases |
P.144 Cinzia Milesi (Milan) Characterization of double knock-out mice of Eps15 and Eps15L1 endocytic adaptors |
P.145 Gabriella Minchiotti (Naples) Identification of drugs that selectively target embryonic stem- to mesenchymal transition |
P.146 Sonia Missiroli (Ferrara) PML at mitochondria-associated membranes is critical for the repression of autophagy and cancer development |
P.147 Rosa Molfetta (Rome) Ubiquitin-dependent NKG2D/DAP10 endocytosis controls signal propagation and functional responses in human Natural Killer cells |
P.148 Laura Monteonofrio (Rome) Dissecting the role of extrachromosomal histone H2B in cytokinesis |
P.149 Rosa Montone (Verona) K650M-FGFR3 mutant causes cytoskeleton alteration and paxillin hyperphosphorylation through c-Src and FAK activation |
P.150 Giampaolo Morciano (Ferrara) Mcl-1 involvement in mitochondrial dynamics is associated with apoptotic cell death |
P.151 Claudia Morganti (Ferrara) PML KO impaired adipogenic differentiation and fat accumulation through selective autophagy |
P.152 Francesco Morra (Naples) CCDC6 as a predictive biomarker for PARP1 inhibitor sensitivity in ovarian non-BRCA-mutant cancers |
P.153 Samuele Negro (Padua) Degenerating neurons release alarmins to promote perisynaptic schwann cells activation |
P.154 Immacolata Cristina Nettore (Naples) Molecular evidences demonstrating the role of Selenium in modulation of apoptosis in thyroid follicular cells |
P.155 Veronica Nisi (Lecce) Study of a new interactor of the Rab-Interacting Lysosomal Protein (RILP) |
P.156 Lucio Nitsch (Naples) Rab7a regulates CDH1 endocytosis and circular dorsal ruffles genesis in a polarized thyroid epithelial cell line |
P.157 Akiko Omori (Padua) Exploring the role of growth factor and mitochondrial dynamics on prostatic development |
P.158 Veronica Oropallo (Rome) ATM protein kinase: a new function in the modulation of tumorigenesis |
P.159 Francesca Orso (Turin) MiR-214 overexpressing mice develop more aggressive mammary gland tumors |
P.160 Simona Paladino (Naples) Lipid rafts regulate signalling of p75NTR in thyroid cells by modulating its trafficking |
P.161 Angela Pascarella (Naples) A new gene predisposing to congenital hypothyroidism |
P.162 Simone Patergnani (Ferrara) Quality and dynamics of mitochondria as key features of oligodendrocytes differentiation |
P.163 Eduardo Patriarca (Naples) Identification of drugs that selectively target embryonic stem- to mesenchymal transition |
P.164 Anna Pepe (Naples) Cell surface localization of 37/67kDa laminin receptor and its interaction with the cellular prion protein is affected by the inhibitor NSC47924 in neuronal GT1 cells |
P.165 Angelo Peschiaroli (Monterotondo Scalo, Rome) p63 controls cell migration and invasion by transcriptional regulation of MTSS1 |
P.166 Sabrina Petralla (Bologna) Proliferation and differentiation studies in AGC1-deficiency cell models |
P.167 Serena Pillozzi (Florence) Novel therapeutic strategies to overcome chemoresistance in leukemia |
P.168 Giulia Pinton (Novara) Expression and post-translational modifications of AKT isoforms in malignant pleural mesothelioma cells |
P.170 Giovanna Pontarin (Padua) Regulation of the deoxynucleoside triphosphate hydrolase SAMHD1 during the cell cycle |
P.171 Valentina Prando (Padua) Role of the mitochondrial protein Opa1 in the regulation of the function and survival of cardiac sympathetic neurons (cSN) |
P.172 Moitza Principe (Turin) The inhibition of surface alpha-enolase as a novel immunotherapeutical strategy for pancreatic cancer |
P.173 Erika Giorgia Quaranta (Padua) Identification of a YAP/TAZ/TEAD transcriptional program driving oncogenic growth |
P.174 Roberta Quaranta (Rome) MAML1 as a novel coactivator for Gli1-mediated transcription |
P.175 Ruben Quintana-Cabrera (Padua) Mitochondrial cristae remodeling and ATPase interplay determine cell bioenergetics and fate |
P.176 Lavinia Raimondi (Palermo) Contribution of multiple myeloma-derived exosomes to bone disease |
P.177 Danilo Ranieri (Rome) The mesenchymal splicing variant of FGFR2 drives EMT in human keratinocytes |
P.178 Elia Ranzato (Alessandria) Propolis: the healing secret of bees |
P.179 Ivan Raska (Prague, Czech Republic) Rods and rings inclusions formed by inhibited inosine-5’-monophosphate dehydrogenase 2 |
P.180 Roberto Ravasio (Milan) Cellular barcoding reveals Gr-1+/c-Kit+ polyclonal expansion upon HDAC1-KD in a pre-leukemic APL model |
P.181 Giulia Refolo (Rome) Role of the interaction of HCV NS5A with LRPPRC in the inhibition of the antiviral immune response |
P.182 Silvia Restelli (Milan) Upstream mechanisms implicated in the control of Numb asymmetric partitioning in the mammary gland. |
P.183 Alessandro Rimessi (Ferrara) Mitochondrial quality control machinery a role in the P. aeruginosa-triggered inflammatory response in Cystic Fibrosis |
P.184 Laura Rinaldi (Naples) Ubiquitin dependent control of kinase suppressor of Ras1 (KSR1) signaling by the RING ligase praja2 |
P.186 Stefania Rocca (Turin) Morgana acts as an oncosuppressor in chronic myeloid leukemia |
P.187 Umberto Rodella (Padua) Hydrogen peroxide is produced in neurons following complement-dependent damage in a model of autoimmune neuropathy |
P.188 Riccardo Ronzoni (Brescia) Aberrant disulphide interactions contribute to the secretory deficiency of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin mutants |
P.189 Alessandra Rossi (Milan) Function and Mechanism of Action of the Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 in the Homeostasis of Adult Intestinal Stem Cells |
P.190 Prathyush Roy (Naples) Functional organization of matrix proteins of the Golgi – their contribution to the regulation of glycosylation |
P.191 Michela Rugolo (Bologna) Hydrogen peroxide-dependent stimulation of respiratory complex II activity in cells with severe complex III dysfunction |
P.192 Paola Rusmini (Milan) The protein quality control in Spinal and bulbar muscular atrophy |
P.193 Isabella Russo (Turin) Critical role of p140Cap in primary hippocampal network synchronization and maturation |
P.194 Sara Sannino (Milan) Zinc and pH dependent regulation of protein biogenesis by ERp44 in the early secretory compartments |
P.195 Silvia Santopolo (Rome) HSF1 silencing impairs HSF2 expression induced by the proteasome inhibitor bortezomib in cancer cells |
P.196 Angela Santoro (Milan) A role for Myc in the self-renewal of mammary stem cells and cancer stem cells |
P.197 Daniela Sarnataro (Naples) PrP-like protein Shadoo is basolaterally localized and acquires scrapie-like characteristics in epithelial MDCK cells |
P.198 Alba Sarti (Ferrara) P2X7 Receptor and mitochondrial metabolism |
P.199 Luigi Sbano (Ferrara) Analysis of the contribution of lysosomes in intracellular calcium homeostasis |
P.200 Emanuela Scavo (Palermo) Thyroid stem cell trasformation: the way to thyroid carcinoma |
P.201 Laura Schembri (Naples) PARP12 functions under stess conditions |
P.202 Marika Sciandra (Bologna) CD99 triggers non-apoptotic cell death through Ras-Rac1 axis |
P.203 Dorota Ścieglińska (Gliwice, Poland) The effect of hypoxia and platinum derivatives on expression of the HSPA2 gene coding for molecular chaperone protein |
P.204 Laura Seclì (Turin) Morgana: a novel player in apoptosis resistance and metastasis progression in breast tumorigenesis |
P.205 Justina Sileikyte (Padua) Discovery and optimization of novel inhibitors of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore |
P.206 Angela Silvano (Florence) Human dendritic cells response to nanoparticles in vitro |
P.207 Sheila Spada (Rome) hMENA alternatively expressed isoforms as checkpoint of β1 integrin signaling pathway |
P.208 Vanessa Spagnolo (Milan) Short time starvation (STS) augments treatment efficacy in different breast cancer models |
P.209 Eleonora Spiombi (Rome) Identification and characterization of KCTD15, a new modulator of the Hedgehog pathway |
P.210 Stefano Squarzoni (Bologna) All-trans retinoic acid and rapamycin normalize Hutchinson Gilford Progeria fibroblast phenotype |
P.211 Mariangela Stasi (Lecce) Molecular basis of Charcot-Marie_Tooth 2B diseases: functional characterization of a patient cell line |
P.212 Advait Subramanian (Naples) Export of cargo from the Endoplasmic Reticulum is regulated by a homeostatic control system |
P.213 Abrar Rizvi (Milan) Elucidating the mechanism underlying the vascular defects due to simultaneous perturbation of EPS8 and IRSp53 |
P.214 Simone Tamburri (Milan) Sp140: a putative intramolecular E3 SUMO ligase |
P.215 Alessandro Terrinoni (Rome) OTX2 regulates the expression of TAp63 in controlling the macular and cochlear neuroepithelium development |
P.216 Emiliana Tognon (Milan) Control of tissue patterning by the TFEB/V-ATPase axis in Drosophila melanogaster |
P.217 Daniela Tosoni (Milan) The Numb/p53 circuitry couples replicative self-renewal and tumor suppression in normal and tumor mammary stem cells |
P.218 Eliana Trapani (Orbassano, TO) Cytochrome P450 and Matrix Metalloproteinase Genetic Modifiers of Disease Severity in Cerebral Cavernous Malformation type 1 |
P.219 Flavia Troglio (Milan) Regulation of oncogene-induced responses in the liver by the COP9 signalosome: a modifier of cullin-ring E3 ubiquitin ligases |
P.220 Alice Turdo (Palermo) Breast cancer development and progression: Sam68 and the tumor microenvironment |
P.221 Alessandro Ulivi (Milan) SNX27 regulates GPR17 recycling and the kinetics of oligodendrocyte differentiation |
P.223 Selena Ventura (Bologna) NF-κB signaling inhibition by CD99 favors neural differentiation in Ewing sarcoma |
P.224 Milena Vitale (Milan) Tampering with acute to chronic endoplasmic reticulum stress responses unmasks opposing roles of the stress sensor IRE1 |
P.225 Alessandro Vitriolo (Milan) Looking for structure/function correlations between mutations of chromatin modifiers and neurodevelopmental disorders |
P.226 Thalia Vlachou (Milan) Quiescence and genetic heterogeneity in acute myeloid leukemias |
P.227 Francesca Zanetta (Pavia) A new mutation in mitochondrial DNA of a Parkinson's patient is associated with signs of genomic DNA damage |
P.228 Giulia Zanetti (Padua) Botulinum neurotoxins B, F, G, D and tetanus neurotoxin entry into nerve terminal |
P.229 Claudia Zanna (Bologna) Dissecting the role of OPA1 isoforms in the rescue of mitochondrial dysfunctions due to OPA1 ablation |
P.230 Susi Zara (Chieti) Microrough titanium surface enhances in vitro dental pulp stem cells differentiation |
P.231 Martina Zobel (Milan) Spatial regulation of signaling by the endocytic protein Numb |
P.232 Massimo Zollo (Naples) H-prune powers immune-cells dissemination and polarization promoting cancer progression and metastases |
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